The nursery is open Monday to Friday 9.30AM to 4PM. You are welcome to browse the areas open to the public within these times, but if you want help and advice please book an appointment to ensure someone is available to help.

As we move into autumn the real work begins!

As well as the plants which have been available throughout the summer, at this time of year our new crops of shrubs, trees, hedging and screening (including pleached trees), which have been growing-on all year, become available .

We are also taking orders for field-grown stock which will be dug from our fields once dormant from November, such as Holly, large Pine trees, and Instant Hedging. This of course includes our famous Wykeham Instant Laurel Hedge Blocks.


Image: Wykeham Instant Laurel Hedge Blocks in the fields waiting to be dug and delivered


Newly Pleached Hornbeam from Wykeham Mature Plants

Image: newly-pleached Hornbeam now ready for delivery

Need specific advice? Just ask!

Autumn is the ideal time for planting, whether you’re happy to do it yourself or if you’d prefer our skilled and professional planting team to tackle it for you.

If you need help, guidance or inspiration one of our experienced horticulturalists will be happy advise you. Providing us with photos of the site and/or problem often help, as does information about site conditions. Simply contact us at or call 01723 862406.

17 September 2015