Ornamental Pear
Pyrus callyerana ChanticleerSmall-medium deciduous tree with narrow conical crown and dark glossy-green leaves which may remain on the tree well into winter. Early into leaf. Autumn colour: turning orange-yellow, scarlet to purple in late autumn. Bears umbels of white flowers in March to early April. Tolerant of air pollution, resistant to fire blight. The long leaf retention make this a great tree for screening, and its compact root system make it ideal for urban planting even when close to buildings.
A good uniform conical tree with white flowers in the early spring followed by glossy heart shaped leaves early in the year. The autumn colour is spectacular with reds and oranges which hang on into mid December. This tree is 3/4 evergreen and is good for small avenues and screening. Will tolerate most soils as long as they are not waterlogged.
Available as a standard tree 12cm to 20cm girth.