The nursery is open Monday to Friday 9.30AM to 4PM. You are welcome to browse the areas open to the public within these times, but if you want help and advice please book an appointment to ensure someone is available to help.
  • Dig a trench wider than the rootballs of your hedging stock, wide enough to get a boot down each side when back-filling, but ensure that it is the same depth, no deeper; the top of the rootballs need to be at soil level once planted. If you plant your hedge too deeply it is likely to die.


  • If the plants have been supplied in plastic pots, or in green or white bags, these containers need to be removed prior to planting; if the roots appear to be at all congested or spiralling then these need to be loosened prior to planting.


  • If the plants have been supplied as wire-wrapped rootballs DO NOT REMOVE THE WIRE from the rootball. Removing/cutting the wire from the rootballs will invalidate your guarantee.


  • Back-fill the trench around the rootballs, with a mixture of the soil you dug out and a bulky compost; don’t mound soil up around the stems. You can add a little bonemeal or a controlled-release fertiliser at this stage if you wish. Don’t line the bottom of the trench with compost. If you are mound-planting (see further instructions) to avoid waterlogging then be sparing with compost in the trench, unless the soil is particularly impoverished, and use it for mulching instead.


  • Water-in well following planting to fully hydrate the roots and to remove any air pockets. If this initial watering causes any settling of the soil around the rootballs then top up as necessary.


  • Most of our heavier hedging plants need no support once planted, but some of our lighter and/or taller stock may do so, especially in exposed positions; a member of our sales team will be happy to advise you.