The nursery is open Monday to Friday 9.30AM to 4PM. You are welcome to browse the areas open to the public within these times, but if you want help and advice please book an appointment to ensure someone is available to help.

Showing 1–24 of 27 results

Hornbeam – pleached. The ideal above fence screening trees solution.
Best Seller

Hornbeam - pleached

Carpinus betulus

From £385.00£588.00 per plant

Yew hedge plants
Best Seller


Taxus Baccata

50 - 300cm

From £34.00£234.00 per plant

Tall Laurel hedge plants 150 - 175cm
Best Seller


Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia

125 - 250cm

From £92.00£99.00 per plant

Instant Laurel hedge blocks
Best SellerSpecial Offer

Wykeham Laurel Blocks

Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia

125 - 350cm

From £140.00£197.00 per plant

Beech tree

Fagus sylvatica - tree

From £175.00£269.00 per plant

Mature Cherry Laurel tree - a row of trees

Cherry Laurel tree

Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia tree

From £210.00£348.00 per plant

Copper Beech

Copper Beech - Purple Beech

Fagus Sylvatica Purpurea

From £193.00£999.00 per plant

Cotoneaster standard tree - Cotoneaster cornubia


Cotoneaster frigidus Cornubia

From £108.00£224.00 per plant

Fastigate Hornbeam - also known as Flame Hornbeam

Fastigiate Hornbeam

Carpinus betulus Fastigiata

From £213.00£380.00 per plant

Fastigiate Hornbeam

Fastigiate Hornbeam Frans Fontaine

Carpinus betulus Frans Fontaine

From £189.00£263.00 per plant

Golden bamboo

Golden Bamboo

Phyllosachys Aurea

175 - 250cm

From £98.00£99.00 per plant

Golden Lawson Cypress

Golden Lawson Cypress

Chamaecyparis Lawsoniana ‘Ivonne’

200 - 300cm

From £205.00£219.00 per plant

Hornbeam – pleached. The ideal above fence screening trees solution.
Best Seller

Hornbeam - pleached

Carpinus betulus

From £385.00£588.00 per plant

Container grown hornbeam tree

Hornbeam - Premium

Carpinus Betulus

From £207.00£488.00 per plant

Hornbeam - Rootballed

Carpinus Betulus

From £151.00 per plant

Tall Laurel hedge plants 150 - 175cm
Best Seller


Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia

125 - 250cm

From £92.00£99.00 per plant

Leylandii 300 - 350cm



175 - 450cm

From £161.00£332.00 per plant

crataegus prunifolia

Ornamental Hawthorne, Cherry-leafed Hawthorne

Crataegus prunifolia Splendens

From £195.00£244.00 per plant

Ornamental Pear trees

Ornamental Pear

Pyrus callyerana Chanticleer

From £180.00£341.00 per plant

Pleached trees - ornamental pear

Ornamental Pear - pleached

Pyrus callyerana Chanticleer

From £348.00£367.00 per plant

Evergreen pleached trees option: Pleached Cherry Laurel Rotundifolia

Pleached Cherry Laurel Rotundifolia

Prunus laurocerasus Rotundifolia

From £491.00£540.00 per plant

Pleached Portuguese Laurel

Pleached Portuguese Laurel

Prunus lusitanica- Pleached

From £316.00£335.00 per plant

Portuguese laurel UK grown trees

Portuguese laurel

Prunus lusitanica

From £282.00£428.00 per plant

Privet hedge

Privet - Premium

Ligustrum ovalifolium

From £130.00 per plant

For deciduous or evergreen screening plants grown in the UK, look no further! Screening plants are a fantastic eco-friendly solution for privacy and security issues. Don't want to wait for your screening plants to grow? Our plants are at least 150 cm / 5 feet tall.

Popular evergreen screening plants include yew and laurel. You could also opt for lime or ornamental fruit trees. Hornbeam and beech are exempt from evergreen planning rules. However they tend to retain their leaves in winter, providing an 'everbrown' effect.

Is space limited? 'Trees on sticks' can occupy the space above a hedge or fence. We prune screening plants so the branches start higher up. We then train them to fill a square framework. This 'pleaching' effect is available for deciduous and evergreen screening plants.

For tips on the best screening plant solution for your project, just email or call us with your site details. Established in 1975, we have access to a wealth of knowledge.