Ornamental Hawthorne, Cherry-leafed Hawthorne
Crataegus prunifolia SplendensSmall "Hawthorn" tree with round, glossy dark green leaves, with fiery yellow-orange to red autumn colour. White flowers in late May or early June, followed by large red fruits in autumn. Attractive street or garden tree, excellent for hedging/screening, and is of ecological value to birds (for both food and shelter). Tolerant of wind and drought (once established).
An excellent tree for exposed windy sites with white flowers in early summer and superb autumn colour. This is an excellent tree for security planting, ideal to discourage someone from climbing over a boundary wall or fence, as it bears 3-4cm long, nail-like thorns. These thorns are hard and strong and produced on the twigs and branches densely enough to be a major deterrent to anyone trying to push their way through, but not so dense as to be a major hindrance to pruning. If required, regular pruning will easily limit the growth of this already compact garden tree (maximum height unpruned will not exceed 5-7 metres), as well as increase the density of the canopy for improved screening and security.
Available as standard trees 10cm to 14cm girth.