Crab Apple
Malus Evereste
Malus 'Evereste' boasts dazzling and unusually large white flowers in April, opening from scarlet flower buds that fadeto pink. Dark-green foliage adopts a yellow/bronze hue in autumn and attractive crab apples develop, flushed with shades of yellow, orange and red. These lovely crab apples can be used for culinary purposes as a classic Cox-type dessert apple or left on the tree where they will adorn the branches until after Christmas. Conical in habit, Malus 'Evereste' will grow to a height and spread of about 5 x 4 metres in 20 years. This Flowering Crab Apple is popular amongst wildlife, particularly bees, making it a reliable pollinator. Crab Apple trees are suited to urban areas and can tolirate most positions and soil types.